Volume 8, August 2013

Jacob SunderlinView Contributor’s Note

[No easy way to say this, but I grew up in a house]

No easy way to say this, but I grew up in a house
full of pistols & there were posters on the walls of
dogs & they had human nipples. There I said it. But
it scared me to see that dog come-hithering with its
saucer-tits out & to see other dogs all drooling &
this in the basement of all things, where no liquor
was kept. It was supposed to be funny, never mind
what we’ll call the Real Naked. Did your father
keep pornography, Hank Williams? What is there
to be scared of? It was like Mars, like waking up in
some woods you have to chop down & build a
house from & then fill with pistols.