Volume 9, November 2013

Wesley RothmanView Contributor’s Note

SAMO© Blues

Same old verdict
Same ol’ war tug
Same old same old

Same old sucker punch
SAMO© hoodie
Same name shame

Same, oh it’s the same
Same excuse and abuse

Same ol’ fire tearing up
Same old fire eye, fire fist
Some old world shit

Same back and forth spitting
Same old blowtorching
The human code

Same old same old same
O, same old broke down
Minds, busted hearts

Bloodied on the sidewalk
Jumped by history’s street
Corner knowledge

Corner pocket of a cotton
Mogul’s suit, pocket square
Turning out centuries

Of major and minorities
Beneath fractions
The dirty hive mind hum

Some SAMO© for your coffee
Same-o in your sweet tea
Same old shit for the same old fee

Same ol’ scratched record
Hopping grooves in the statehouse
Same old volley across the aisle

Same old division within parties
In movements in ideologies
Same old SAMO©

SAMO© is risen SAMO©
Will come again lives on