Volume 9, November 2013

Janey SmithView Contributor’s Note

Three Reports on Loneliness in High-Rise Apartments

1. From outside the window a small tapping sound could be heard and it was Tom. Tom tapped the window and Kathy stared directly at him. Kathy squinted and asked, “Who’s that.” The tapping sound became louder and then it got all quiet but I could hear the tapping sound get closer and I knew it was Tom. “It’s Tom.” Kathy said, “Tom” and asked if I had told him to be there. I moved a small table with an orange on it. I lowered the small table carefully beside Kathy, who was sitting in a chair. Kathy repeated the question and we looked at each other and said, “It’s Tom” at the same time. The orange rolled off the table and onto the floor. We watched it roll until it hit the door. Kathy slapped my face. Then I slapped Kathy’s. Then Kathy slapped mine. We did this, slapping each other’s faces, and then we stopped.

2. I knew Carolyn Abraham for a few years, but I really didn’t get to know her until she stayed at my apartment. One night Carolyn stood outside all night long wailing “Suitcase, Suitcase!” after her cat disappeared for a few hours. Adam said that Suitcase is probably dying, which didn’t help calm Carolyn. Carolyn went around to all the neighbors and asked them if they had seen her cat. Carolyn told me she would give her life so that her cat could live and when Adam heard this he started to cry. Returning from Troy’s, Regina asked if McDonald’s delivered. A couple of police officers arrived, because the neighbors were complaining, and asked about Carolyn. The cops became furious when Regina made them wait so she could pick up hamburgers at McDonalds. I asked them if they could drop me off at Tom’s house.

3. Sam tied himself to Linda for a whole day. Linda said she’d let him do it if they didn’t have to go outside. Sam followed her around the house, and bumped into her whenever she stopped. At lunch, Linda told me that Sam’s love for her was reliant on magic or something and that her love for him was uncontrolled. Sam acted like he hadn’t had a thing to do with it. I put my hand through a hole in a paper bag and thought the bag was large enough to hold two sandwiches. Then, like a puppet, I made the bag say, “Sandwich.” Sam acted disinterested, but Linda said, “We’re out of bread.”